What is a FRAC?
The “Fonds régionaux d’art contemporain” (Regional Contemporary Art Funds), also known by the acronym “FRAC”, were created in 1982. The mission of these institutions is to develop public collections of contemporary art in the regions, disseminate them to all audiences and develop ways of raising awareness of contemporary art.
There are 22 FRACs in France, their combined collections comprising more than 35,000 works by 6,000 artists of different nationalities. Their collections, which are essentially nomadic in nature and rely on original tools for dissemination and education, travel around their regions, throughout France and internationally.
Every year, a third of their works are shown to the public, making the FRACs the most widely distributed public collections in France. Thanks to their mobility, they are defined as essential players in a policy of territorial cultural development, aiming to reduce geographical, social and cultural disparities and thus facilitate the discovery of today’s art by the most diverse audiences.

Exhibition The Bonimenteur, FRAC Champagne-Ardenne

Exhibition Il était une fois…, 2022. FRAC Champagne-Ardenne

Performance Lune Diagne, Black is present, 2023. Dans le cadre de FARaway - Festival des Arts à Reims.