FRAC Champagne-Ardenne

11th Edition of the Prisme Prize

11th Edition of the Prisme Prize

From 15 November to 1 December 2024

©Paloma Jan

11th Edition of the Prisme Prize
From November 15th to December 1st, 2024
Exhibition by graduates of the Art master’s degree at the École Supérieure d’Art et de Design de Reims (ÉSAD)
Opening date and venue to be announced

With Eva Chanoir, Lou Favreau, Vincent Ineichen, Claire Tater and Hugo Titelein

This autumn, FRAC Champagne-Ardenne is delighted to be partnering with the PRISME Prize and ÉSAD Reims for the annual exhibition of graduates from ÉSAD’s Master of Art programme.

Created in 2014, the PRISME Prize is awarded each year to a graduate of the Master of Art programme at ÉSAD Reims. Worth €5,000, the prize recognises the creative work of the winner and supports the start of their career as an artist.

Selected by a jury of leading figures from the worlds of arts and business, including representatives of the PRISME association, one of the young artists will have the honour of receiving the 11th PRISME Prize at the exhibition opening.