FRAC Champagne-Ardenne

Lecture by Christine Moissinac

Lecture by Christine Moissinac

On Thursday 20 June 2024 at 18:30

©Vincent Lappartient

In connection with the exhibition MILK, the FRAC invites you to a lecture by Christine Moissinac, historian and urban planner.

Lecture by Christine Moissinac
Thursday, June 20th at 6:30 p.m.

In this lecture, echoing the MILK exhibition, ahead of the publication of her book Les gouts du lait (Autumn 2024), Christine Moissinac presents her recent research into the uses and place of milk in contemporary and past iconography.

Christine Moissinac is a historian with a particular interest in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Prior to this, she was an urban planner and the founder and director of an urban planning agency in France and abroad. She is president of an endowment fund for contemporary art and, in this capacity, the editor of a quarterly newsletter on prints, and of various contributions to artists’ books. She has written and contributed to numerous publications, including “Par monts et par cœur” (L’Harmattan, 2019); “Emile Duclaux, De Pasteur à Dreyfus” (Hermann, 2015); “Jules Louis Breton, Un savant parlementaire” (PU de Rennes, 2010).

1 hour

On reservation at +33 (0) 3 26 05 78 32 or