FRAC Champagne-Ardenne

Quand la matière fait sens (When matter makes sense)

Quand la matière fait sens (When matter makes sense)

From 13 April to 12 May 2024

©Charly Bechaimont / Eva Djen

Quand la matière fait sens (When matter makes sense)
Exhibition from 13 April to 12 May

Featuring works by pupils and students from the collèges Trois Fontaines, Paul Fort, Maryse Bastié, Sacré-Coeur La Salle and lycée Jean-Baptiste Colbert in Reims, as well as works from the FRAC Champagne-Ardenne collection, and works by Eva Djen and Charly Bechaimont.

The exhibition showcases works created over the course of the year by pupils and students from five schools in Reims as part of a “PAG” (Global Art Projects), an academic program for education in arts and culture.
Working on the theme of the materiality of artworks, the pupils and students worked with artists Eva Djen and Charly Bechaimont, who were invited to take up residencies in the schools. The students and artists are now presenting the results of their workshops, along with works from the FRAC collection.

The PAG Quand la matière fait sens is supported by the DRAC Grand Est, the Rectorat of the Académie de Reims and the Conseil Départemental de la Marne.


Rencontre autour de l'exposition

On Friday 12 April 2024 at 16:00


Document de visite

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